We provide bespoke managed hosting for customers with exacting requirements for security, resilience and scalability.
We host applications for the UK Government as well as medium and large private organisations.
We take vanilla hosting capacity in the UK's largest and most physically secure hosting centres and tailor customer specific solutions to maximize availability and minimise risk.
We engineer out single points of failure using load balancing, clustering and virtualization. Our firewall consultants work with customers to develop "tight fit" rulesets.
We use independent Intrusion Detection testing.
We manager and monitor these environments continuously.
Enabling Technologies
Clustering: Servers are clustered to eliminate single points of failure and maximize availability. Firewalls and load balancers are also typically clustered. As demand increases additional capacity may be rapidly added by adding additional server to the cluster.
Load Balancers: These perform a dual function both maximizing availability. During peak load they distribute traffic between clustered servers thereby maintaining system responsiveness. In the event of a server failure all traffic is routed to the remaining available servers in the cluster.
Virtualization: Allows our server cluster to be self-healing and self-aware; if a physical server fails, the server image is moved to another physical host with zero downtime.
Network Resilience: We have multiple 100Gb internet feeds from Tier 1 carriers in a multi-homed routed network.
Backups: Backups are tailored to the customer's backup and disaster recovery strategy. These might include daily delivery of tapes to secure off-site storage, encrypted replication of backup data to another hosting centre or the customer's site. Backup data might be full, incremental or differential.
Stable Hardware: We only use servers provided by one of the industry leaders. All hardware is maintained by the manufacturer under an extended warranty rapid response contract. Configurations use resilient disk, power and network configurations.
Stable Operating Systems: Patch management strategy is implemented in accordance with customer requirements.
Operational Monitoring: Servers are continuously monitored for unexpected events, load, usage and preventative failure alerts.