Only a few years ago, IT equipment provided at work was typically much better than that used in the home. More recently, employees have found their personal IT has become more powerful or preferable than that provided by their employer.
An increasing tech-savvy workforce expects to bring their devices into the workplace and connect to corporate services in a way that suits them.
Implemented effectively, harnessing the benefits of intelligent personal devices within the business environment can bring significant benefits for the employer in terms of reduced hardware costs and greater flexibility for the employee, resulting in improved operational efficiencies, productivity and staff satisfaction and retention.
It is not surprising that companies are responding to this fast-emerging trend with a range of ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) strategies as this enables companies to increase penetration of tablets and other smart devices without additional investment.
In putting in place a new BYOD policy, many firms continue to be rightly concerned about security - in the case of loss of corporate information or data breach – application management and loss of cost control.
Should your organisation allow complete freedom of choice by the employee? Should they be able to purchase whatever handset they wish, on whatever contract or tariff and the business will enable these devices to access business applications?
How can your IT team cope with an almost impossible task in supporting the rapidly increasing numbers and ever-changing landscape of intelligent devices and apps running on a variety of platforms, all within a secure mobile business environment?
Strategies and Solutions
The first step is to adopt a strategy which reflects the nature and key business drivers of the business and balances issues of cost, access and control.
We have solutions to assist organisations in defining their next generation mobility strategy, including increasing choice, controlling costs and maintaining visibility and control of corporate data and security.
Device Management tools allows IT policies, content and privileges of a smartphone to be managed securely, whether the device is corporately owned or the personal property of the user.
For the employer, it provides essential alerts in real time, highlighting any policy breaches. The user can access work emails and other information, as long as they adhere to policy and ensure that personal information can be locked down or wiped if the device is stolen.
Inventory control can ensure that only approved devices can access the network. This means that users can do what they want to do and how they want to do it, within strictly-controlled, secure boundaries.
We can help you understand the complex user landscape and provide a blended secure solution based on different user profiles and requirements within the business.